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AC.445, '영들이 생전에 영을 무엇으로 생각했는지에 관해 영들을 경험하고 나서 적는 몇 가지 사례들' (AC.443-448) Some Examples Drawn From Experience With Spirits Concerning What They Had Thought During Their Life In The Body About The Soul Or Spirit 445It was further remarked, that the learned have no other belief than that the soul which is to live after death, that is, the spirit, is abstract thought. This is very manifest from their unwillingness to admit of any term that implies extension and what belo..
AC.444, '영들이 생전에 영을 무엇으로 생각했는지에 관해 영들을 경험하고 나서 적는 몇 가지 사례들' (AC.443-448) Some Examples Drawn From Experience With Spirits Concerning What They Had Thought During Their Life In The Body About The Soul Or Spirit 444Conversing with one who while he lived in this world had believed that the spirit has no extension, and on that ground would admit of no word that implied extension, I asked him what he now thought of himself, seeing that now he was a soul or spirit, and pos..
AC.443, '영들이 생전에 영을 무엇으로 생각했는지에 관해 영들을 경험하고 나서 적는 몇 가지 사례들' (AC.443-448) Some Examples Drawn From Experience With Spirits Concerning What They Had Thought During Their Life In The Body About The Soul Or Spirit 443In the other life it is given to perceive clearly what opinions people had entertained while they lived in the body concerning the soul, the spirit, and the life after death; for when kept in a state resembling that of the body they think in the same way, an..
AC.442, 창4:26, '셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을' (AC.438-442) 26절, 셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을 에노스라 하였으며 그때에 사람들이 비로소 여호와의 이름을 불렀더라 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh: then began they to call upon the name of Jehovah. 442From the contents of this chapter as above explained, it is evident that in the most ancient time there were many doctrines and heresies separate from the church, each one of which had its name, which separate..
AC.441, 창4:26, '셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을' (AC.438-442) 26절, 셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을 에노스라 하였으며 그때에 사람들이 비로소 여호와의 이름을 불렀더라 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh: then began they to call upon the name of Jehovah. 441That the invocation of the name of Jehovah did not commence at this time is sufficiently evident from what has already been said above in regard to the most ancient church, which more than any other adored and..
AC.440, 창4:26, '셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을' (AC.438-442) 26절, 셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을 에노스라 하였으며 그때에 사람들이 비로소 여호와의 이름을 불렀더라 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh: then began they to call upon the name of Jehovah. 440That by the words just quoted is signified the worship of that church from charity is evident from the fact that to “call upon the name of Jehovah” is a customary and general form of speech for all worship of ..
AC.439, 창4:26, '셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을' (AC.438-442) 26절, 셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을 에노스라 하였으며 그때에 사람들이 비로소 여호와의 이름을 불렀더라 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh: then began they to call upon the name of Jehovah. 439That by “Seth” is signified the faith through which comes charity was shown in the preceding verse. That by his “son, whose name was Enosh,” is signified a church that regarded charity as the principal of fait..
AC.438, 창4:26, '셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을' (AC.438-442) 26절, 셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을 에노스라 하였으며 그때에 사람들이 비로소 여호와의 이름을 불렀더라 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh: then began they to call upon the name of Jehovah. 438By “Seth” is signified the faith through which comes charity, as was said above; by his “son,” whose name was “Enosh,” is signified a church which regarded charity as the principal of faith; by beginning then ..
AC.437, 창4:25, '아담이 다시 자기 아내와 동침하매' (AC.434-437) 25절, 아담이 다시 자기 아내와 동침하매 그가 아들을 낳아 그의 이름을 셋이라 하였으니 이는 하나님이 내게 가인이 죽인 아벨 대신에 다른 씨를 주셨다 함이며 And the man [homo] knew his wife again, and she bare a son, and called his name Seth; for God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, for Cain slew him. 437That “Seth” here signifies a new faith, through which comes charity, is explained by his name, which it is said was given him because God “appoin..
AC.436, 창4:25, '아담이 다시 자기 아내와 동침하매' (AC.434-437) 25절, 아담이 다시 자기 아내와 동침하매 그가 아들을 낳아 그의 이름을 셋이라 하였으니 이는 하나님이 내게 가인이 죽인 아벨 대신에 다른 씨를 주셨다 함이며 And the man [homo] knew his wife again, and she bare a son, and called his name Seth; for God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, for Cain slew him. 436That by her “son,” whom she named Seth, is signified a new faith, by which charity may be attained, is evident from what has been previously stat..