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AC.455, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 455One who in this world had been most learned in regard to the Word, had the idea that heavenly joy consists in being in a glorious light, like that which exists when the solar rays appear of a golden hue, so that he too supposed it to consist in a life of ease. In order that he might know himself to be in error, such a light was granted him, and he, being in ..
AC.454, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 454Some think that heaven consists in a life of ease, in which they are served by others; but they are told that there is no possible happiness in being at rest as a means of happiness, for so everyone would wish to have the happiness of others made tributary to his own happiness; and when everyone wished this, no one would have happiness. Such a life would not..
AC.453, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 453Some entertain so gross an idea of heaven that they suppose it to be mere admission, in fact that it is a room into which they are admitted through a door, which is opened, and then they are let in by the doorkeepers.
AC.452, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 452I have conversed with spirits who supposed heaven and heavenly joy to consist in being the greatest. But they were told that in heaven he is greatest who is least, because he who would be the least has the greatest happiness, and consequently is the greatest, for what is it to be the greatest except to be the most happy? It is this that the powerful seek by ..
AC.451, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 451A certain spirit, who during his life in the body had possessed authority, retained in the other life the desire to exercise command. But he was told that he was now in another kingdom, which is eternal; that his rule on earth was dead; and that where he was now no one is held in estimation except in accordance with the good and truth, and the mercy of the L..
AC.450, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 450Some who during their abode in this world had seemed to be preeminently enlightened in regard to the Word, had conceived so false an idea about heaven that they supposed themselves to be in heaven when they were high up, and imagined that from that position they could rule all things below, and thus be in self-glory and preeminence over others. On account of..
AC.449, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 449Hitherto the nature of heaven and of heavenly joy has been known to none. Those who have thought about them have formed an idea concerning them so general and so gross as scarcely to amount to any idea at all. What notion they have conceived on the subject I have been able to learn most accurately from spirits who had recently passed from the world into the ..
AC.448, '영들이 생전에 영을 무엇으로 생각했는지에 관해 영들을 경험하고 나서 적는 몇 가지 사례들' (AC.443-448) Some Examples Drawn From Experience With Spirits Concerning What They Had Thought During Their Life In The Body About The Soul Or Spirit 448I have conversed with many who had been known to me in this life (and this I have done for a long time—for months and years), in as clear a voice, although an inward one, as with friends in this world. The subject of our conversation has sometimes been the s..
AC.447, '영들이 생전에 영을 무엇으로 생각했는지에 관해 영들을 경험하고 나서 적는 몇 가지 사례들' (AC.443-448) Some Examples Drawn From Experience With Spirits Concerning What They Had Thought During Their Life In The Body About The Soul Or Spirit 447A certain novitiate spirit, on hearing me speak about the spirit, asked, “What is a spirit?” supposing himself to be a man. And when I told him that there is a spirit in every man, and that in respect to his life a man is a spirit; that the body is merely to..
AC.446, '영들이 생전에 영을 무엇으로 생각했는지에 관해 영들을 경험하고 나서 적는 몇 가지 사례들' (AC.443-448) Some Examples Drawn From Experience With Spirits Concerning What They Had Thought During Their Life In The Body About The Soul Or Spirit 446I have discoursed with spirits concerning the common opinion that prevails among men at the present day, that the existence of the spirit is not to be credited because they do not see it with their eyes, nor comprehend it by their memory-knowledges [scientia..