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AC.475, 창5:2, '남자와 여자를 창조하셨고' (AC.475-480) 2절, 남자와 여자를 창조하셨고 그들이 창조되던 날에 하나님이 그들에게 복을 주시고 그들의 이름을 사람이라 일컬으셨더라 Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name man, in the day when they were created. 475By “male and female,” is signified the marriage between faith and love; by “calling their name man,” is signified that they were the church, which, in an especial sense, is called “man” [homo].
AC.474, 창5:1, '이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라' (AC.469-474) 1절, 이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라 하나님이 사람을 창조하실 때에 하나님의 모양대로 지으시되 This is the book of the births of man. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. 474Since therefore the subject here treated of is the birth or propagation of the most ancient church, this is first described as coming from a spiritual to a celestial state, for the propagations follow from this.
AC.473, 창5:1, '이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라' (AC.469-474) 1절, 이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라 하나님이 사람을 창조하실 때에 하나님의 모양대로 지으시되 This is the book of the births of man. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. 473That a “likeness of God” is a celestial man, and an “image of God,” a spiritual man, has also been previously shown. 하나님이 이르시되 우리의 형상을 따라 우리의 모양대로 우리가 사람을 만들고 (창1:26) An “image” is preparatory to a “likeness,” and a “likeness” is a..
AC.472, 창5:1, '이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라' (AC.469-474) 1절, 이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라 하나님이 사람을 창조하실 때에 하나님의 모양대로 지으시되 This is the book of the births of man. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. 472That by the “day in which God created man” is signified his being made spiritual, and that by “God making him in his likeness” is signified his being made celestial, appears from what was said and shown above. The expression to “cr..
AC.471, 창5:1, '이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라' (AC.469-474) 1절, 이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라 하나님이 사람을 창조하실 때에 하나님의 모양대로 지으시되 This is the book of the births of man. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. 471The reason why they dwelt thus alone by themselves, distinguished only into houses, families, and nations, was that by this means the church might be preserved entire, that all the houses and families might be dependent on their pa..
AC.470, 창5:1, '이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라' (AC.469-474) 1절, 이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라 하나님이 사람을 창조하실 때에 하나님의 모양대로 지으시되 This is the book of the births of man. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. 470That the “book of the births” is an enumeration of those who were of the most ancient church is very evident from what follows, for from this to the eleventh chapter, that is, to the time of Eber, names never signify persons, but a..
AC.469, 창5:1, '이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라' (AC.469-474) 1절, 이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라 하나님이 사람을 창조하실 때에 하나님의 모양대로 지으시되 This is the book of the births of man. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. 469The “book of the births” is an enumeration of those who were of the most ancient church; “in the day that God created man” denotes his being made spiritual; and “in the likeness of God made he him” signifies that he was made celest..
AC.468, '창5 및 노아를 이해하기 위한 속뜻 배경 설명' (AC.460-468) 창5 및 노아를 이해하기 위한 속뜻 배경 설명 468From what has been said and shown in the foregoing chapter, it is evident that by names are signified heresies and doctrines. Hence it may be seen that by the names in this chapter are not meant persons, but things, and in the present instance doctrines, or churches, which were preserved, notwithstanding the changes they underwent, from the time of the most ancient c..
AC.467, 창5:29 속뜻 (AC.460-468) 29이름을 노아라 하여 이르되 여호와께서 땅을 저주하시므로 수고롭게 일하는 우리를 이 아들이 안위하리라 하였더라 And he called his name Noah, saying, He shall comfort us from our work, and the toil of our hands, out of the ground which Jehovah hath cursed. 467“Lamech” is described as retaining nothing of the perception which the most ancient church enjoyed; and “Noah” is described as a new church. (verse 29)
AC.466, 창5:28-29 속뜻 (AC.460-468) 28라멕은 백팔십이 세에 아들을 낳고 And Lamech lived a hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son; 29이름을 노아라 하여 이르되 여호와께서 땅을 저주하시므로 수고롭게 일하는 우리를 이 아들이 안위하리라 하였더라 And he called his name Noah, saying, He shall comfort us from our work, and the toil of our hands, out of the ground which Jehovah hath cursed. 466A tenth, the parent of three churches after the flood, was named “Noah.” This church is to be called ..