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AC.465, 창5:25 속뜻 (AC.460-468) 25므두셀라는 백팔십칠 세에 라멕을 낳았고 And Methuselah lived a hundred eighty and seven years, and begat Lamech. 465A ninth church was called “Lamech.” (verse 25)
AC.464, 창5:22-24 속뜻 (AC.460-468) 22므두셀라를 낳은 후 삼백 년을 하나님과 동행하며 자녀들을 낳았으며 And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters. 23그는 삼백육십오 세를 살았더라 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years. 24에녹이 하나님과 동행하더니 하나님이 그를 데려가시므로 세상에 있지 아니하였더라 And Enoch walked with God, and he was no more, for God took him. 464The church called “Enoch” is described as framing doctri..
AC.463, 창5:6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 속뜻 (AC.460-468) 6셋은 백오 세에 에노스를 낳았고 And Seth lived a hundred and five years, and begat Enosh. 9에노스는 구십 세에 게난을 낳았고 And Enosh lived ninety years, and begat Kenan. 12게난은 칠십 세에 마할랄렐을 낳았고 And Kenan lived seventy years, and begat Mahalalel. 15마할랄렐은 육십오 세에 야렛을 낳았고 And Mahalalel lived sixty and five years, and begat Jared. 18야렛은 백육십이 세에 에녹을 낳았고 And Jared lived a hundred sixty and two years, and begat Enoch. 21에녹은 육십오 세에..
AC.462, 창5:2-3 속뜻 (AC.460-468) 2남자와 여자를 창조하셨고 그들이 창조되던 날에 하나님이 그들에게 복을 주시고 그들의 이름을 사람이라 일컬으셨더라 Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name man, in the day when they were created. 3아담은 백삼십 세에 자기의 모양 곧 자기의 형상과 같은 아들을 낳아 이름을 셋이라 하였고 And man lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat into his likeness, after his image, and called his name Seth. 462A second church which was not so celestial as the mos..
AC.461, 창5:1 속뜻 (AC.460-468) 1이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라 하나님이 사람을 창조하실 때에 하나님의 모양대로 지으시되 This is the book of the births of man. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. 461The most ancient church itself, which was celestial, is what is called “man” [homo], and a “likeness of God.” (verse 1)
AC.460, 창5 본문, 한 줄 속뜻 (AC.460-468) 창5 1이것은 아담의 계보를 적은 책이니라 하나님이 사람을 창조하실 때에 하나님의 모양대로 지으시되 This is the book of the births of man. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. 2남자와 여자를 창조하셨고 그들이 창조되던 날에 하나님이 그들에게 복을 주시고 그들의 이름을 사람이라 일컬으셨더라 Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name man, in the day when they were created. 3아담은 백삼십 세에 자기의 모양 곧 자기의 형상과 같은 아들을 낳아 이름을 셋이라 하였고 And ma..
AC.459, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 459There are three heavens: the first is the abode of good spirits; the second, of angelic spirits, and the third, of angels. Spirits, angelic spirits, and angels are all distinguished into the celestial and the spiritual. The celestial are those who through love have received faith from the Lord, like the men of the most ancient church treated of above. The sp..
AC.458, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 458Evil spirits have sometimes supposed that there is another heaven besides that of the Lord, and they have been permitted to seek for it wherever they could, but to their confusion they could never find any other heaven. For evil spirits rush into insanities both from the hatred they bear against the Lord, and from their infernal suffering, and catch at such ..
AC.457, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 457Almost all who pass from this world into the other life suppose that hell is the same for everyone, and that heaven is the same for everyone. And yet in both there are endless diversities and varieties, and neither the heaven nor the hell of one person is ever exactly like that of another; just as no man, spirit, or angel is ever exactly like another. When I..
AC.456, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.449-459) Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 456The best instructed of them all said that heavenly joy consists solely in praising and glorifying the Lord, being a life destitute of any doing of the goods of charity, and that this is an active life. But they were told that praising and celebrating the Lord is not such an active life as is meant, but is an effect of that life; for the Lord has no need of p..