분류 전체보기 (625) 썸네일형 리스트형 AC.495, 창5:5, '그는 구백삼십 세를 살고 죽었더라' (AC.492-495) 5절, 그는 구백삼십 세를 살고 죽었더라 And all the days that man lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. 495How the most ancient church decreased cannot appear unless it be known what perception is, for it was a perceptive church, such as at this day does not exist. The perception of a church consists in this, that its members perceive from the Lord what is good and true, like the angels; not so .. AC.494, 창5:5, '그는 구백삼십 세를 살고 죽었더라' (AC.492-495) 5절, 그는 구백삼십 세를 살고 죽었더라 And all the days that man lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. 494That he “died” signifies that there was no longer such perception is evident from the signification of the word “die,” which is, that a thing ceases to be such as it has been. Thus in John: 1사데 교회의 사자에게 편지하라 하나님의 일곱 영과 일곱 별을 가지신 이가 이르시되 내가 네 행위를 아노니 네가 살았다 하는 이름은 가졌으나 죽은 자로다 2너는 일깨어 그 남은 바 .. AC.493, 창5:5, '그는 구백삼십 세를 살고 죽었더라' (AC.492-495) 5절, 그는 구백삼십 세를 살고 죽었더라 And all the days that man lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. 493That by “days” and “years” are signified times and states needs no further explication, except to say that in the world there must needs be times and measures, to which numbers may be applied because they are in the ultimates of nature; but whenever they are applied in the Word, the numbers.. AC.492, 창5:5, '그는 구백삼십 세를 살고 죽었더라' (AC.492-495) 5절, 그는 구백삼십 세를 살고 죽었더라 And all the days that man lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. 492By “days” and “years” are here signified times and states, as above; by “man’s dying” is signified that such perception no longer existed. AC.491, 창5:4, '아담은 셋을 낳은 후' (AC.486-491) 4절, 아담은 셋을 낳은 후 팔백 년을 지내며 자녀들을 낳았으며 And the days of man after he begat Seth were eight hundred years, and he begat sons and daughters. 491The same things are signified by “sons” and “daughters” in this chapter (verses 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 26, 30), but such as is the church, such are the “sons and daughters,” that is, such are the goods and truths; the truths and goods here spoken of are such as.. AC.490, 창5:4, '아담은 셋을 낳은 후' (AC.486-491) 4절, 아담은 셋을 낳은 후 팔백 년을 지내며 자녀들을 낳았으며 And the days of man after he begat Seth were eight hundred years, and he begat sons and daughters. 490In the Word “daughters” frequently denote goods; as in David: 9왕이 가까이 하는 여인들 중에는 왕들의 딸이 있으며 왕후는 오빌의 금으로 꾸미고 왕의 오른쪽에 서도다 10딸이여 듣고 보고 귀를 기울일지어다 네 백성과 네 아버지의 집을 잊어버릴지어다 11그리하면 왕이 네 아름다움을 사모하실지라 그는 네 주인이시니 너는 그를 경배할지어다 12두로의 딸은 예물을 드리고 백성 중 부한 자도 네 얼굴 보기를 원하리로다 13.. AC.489, 창5:4, '아담은 셋을 낳은 후' (AC.486-491) 4절, 아담은 셋을 낳은 후 팔백 년을 지내며 자녀들을 낳았으며 And the days of man after he begat Seth were eight hundred years, and he begat sons and daughters. 489That by “sons and daughters” are signified the truths and goods which they had a perception of, and indeed by “sons” truths, and by “daughters” goods, is evident from many passages in the prophets; for in the Word, as also in olden time, the conceptions and bi.. AC.488, 창5:4, '아담은 셋을 낳은 후' (AC.486-491) 4절, 아담은 셋을 낳은 후 팔백 년을 지내며 자녀들을 낳았으며 And the days of man after he begat Seth were eight hundred years, and he begat sons and daughters. 488That “days” signify states in general, and “years” states in special, appears from the Word, as in Ezekiel: 네 날이 가까웠고 네 연한이 찼도다 (겔22:4) Thou hast caused thy days to draw near, and art come even unto thy years, (Ezek. 22:4) speaking of those who commit abominat.. AC.487, 창5:4, '아담은 셋을 낳은 후' (AC.486-491) 4절, 아담은 셋을 낳은 후 팔백 년을 지내며 자녀들을 낳았으며 And the days of man after he begat Seth were eight hundred years, and he begat sons and daughters. 487That by “days” are signified times and states in general, was shown in the first chapter, where the “days” of creation have no other signification. In the Word it is very usual to call all time “days,” as is manifestly the case in the present verse, and in tho.. AC.486, 창5:4, '아담은 셋을 낳은 후' (AC.486-491) 4절, 아담은 셋을 낳은 후 팔백 년을 지내며 자녀들을 낳았으며 And the days of man after he begat Seth were eight hundred years, and he begat sons and daughters. 486By “days” are signified times and states in general; by “years,” times and states in special; by “sons and daughters” are signified the truths and goods which they perceived. 이전 1 ··· 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ··· 63 다음 목록 더보기