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AC.545, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 545But in order that I might know the nature and quality of heaven and of heavenly joy, for long and often I have been permitted by the Lord to perceive the delights of heavenly joys, so that as I know them from actual experience I can indeed know them, but can by no means describe them. However, in order to give some idea of it I may say that heav..
AC.544, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 544Certain spirits who were admitted into the heaven of innocence of the first heaven spoke to me thence, and confessed that the state of joy and gladness was such as they never could have conceived any idea of. Yet this was only in the first heaven, and there are three heavens, and states of innocence in each, with their innumerable varieties.
AC.543, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 543Certain spirits longed to know the nature of heavenly joy, and were therefore allowed to perceive the inmost of their own, to such a degree that they could bear no more; and yet it was not angelic joy, being scarcely equal to the least angelic joy, as was given me to perceive by a communication of their joy. It was so slight as to be as it were ..
AC.542, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 542They who are taken up into heaven in order that they may know its quality either have their bodily things and fanciful notions lulled to quiescence—for no one can enter heaven with the bodily things and fanciful notions that they take with them from this world—or else they are surrounded by a sphere of spirits who miraculously temper such things..
AC.541, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 541Certain spirits who were ignorant of the nature of heavenly joy were unexpectedly taken up into heaven after they had been brought into such a state as to render this possible, that is to say a state in which their bodily things and fanciful notions were lulled into quiescence. From there I heard one saying to me that now for the first time he f..
AC.540, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 540Almost all who come into the other life are ignorant of the nature of heavenly happiness and bliss, because they know not the nature and quality of inward joy. They form a conception of it merely from the delights and joys of the body and the world. What they are ignorant of they suppose to be nothing, the truth being that bodily and worldly joy..
AC.539, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 539A certain spirit who during his life in the body had made light of adulteries, was in accordance with his desire admitted to the first threshold of heaven. As soon as he came there he began to suffer and to be sensible of his own cadaverous stench, until he could endure it no longer. It seemed to him that if he went any farther he should perish,..
AC.538, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 538There were some who sought admission into heaven without knowing what heaven is. They were told that unless they were in the faith of love, to enter heaven would be as dangerous as going into a flame; but still they sought for it. When they arrived at the first entrance court, that is to say, the lower sphere of angelic spirits, they were smitte..
AC.537, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 537A certain spirit attached himself to my left side, and asked me whether I knew how he could get into heaven. I was permitted to tell him that admission into heaven belongs solely to the Lord, who alone knows what a man’s quality is. Very many arrive from the world who make it their sole pursuit to get into heaven, being quite ignorant of what he..
AC.536, 창5:32, '노아는 오백 세 된 후에' (AC.534-536) 32절, 노아는 오백 세 된 후에 셈과 함과 야벳을 낳았더라 And Noah was a son of five hundred years; and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 536As in the foregoing pages much has been said about the perception possessed by the churches that existed before the flood, and as at this day perception is a thing utterly unknown, so much so that some may imagine it to be a kind of continuous revelation, or to be something impla..