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AC.555, 창6:1-2 속뜻 (AC.554-563) 1사람이 땅 위에 번성하기 시작할 때에 그들에게서 딸들이 나니 And it came to pass that man began to multiply himself upon the faces of the ground, and daughters were born unto them. 2하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들의 아름다움을 보고 자기들이 좋아하는 모든 여자를 아내로 삼는지라 And the sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were good; and they took to themselves wives of all that they chose. 555That with man, where the church was, yearnings—which are the “..
AC.554, 창6:1-8 본문, 한 줄 속뜻 (AC.554-563) 창6:1-8 1사람이 땅 위에 번성하기 시작할 때에 그들에게서 딸들이 나니 And it came to pass that man began to multiply himself upon the faces of the ground, and daughters were born unto them. 2하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들의 아름다움을 보고 자기들이 좋아하는 모든 여자를 아내로 삼는지라 And the sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were good; and they took to themselves wives of all that they chose. 3여호와께서 이르시되 나의 영이 영원히 사람과 함께 하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육신이 됨이라 그러나 그..
AC.553, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.547-553) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 553They who are in mutual love in heaven are continually advancing to the springtime of their youth, and to a more and more gladsome and happy spring the more thousands of years they live, and this with continual increase to eternity, according to the advance and degree of mutual love, charity, and faith. Those of the female sex who have died in ol..
AC.552, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.547-553) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 552That all the joy and happiness in heaven are from the Lord alone, has been shown me by many experiences, of which the following may be related. I saw that with the utmost diligence some angelic spirits were fashioning a lampstand with its lamps and flowers of the richest ornamentation in honor of the Lord. For an hour or two I was permitted to w..
AC.551, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.547-553) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 551From the universal heaven bearing relation to the Lord, and all there in both general and particular bearing relation to the very and only being both in the universal as a whole and in its most individual constituents, there comes order, there comes union, there comes mutual love, and there comes happiness; for so each person regards the welfare..
AC.550, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.547-553) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 550Just as in the human body all things both in general and particular contribute to the general and individual uses of all the rest, so is it in the Lord’s kingdom, which is constituted like a man, and in fact is called the grand man. In this way everyone there contributes either more nearly or more remotely, and in many ways, to the happiness of ..
AC.549, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.547-553) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 549The angelic state is such that everyone communicates his own bliss and happiness to others. For in the other life there is a most exquisite communication and perception of all the affections and thoughts, so that each person communicates his joy to all, and all to each, so that each one is as it were the center of all. This is the heavenly form...
AC.548, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.547-553) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 548I have sometimes spoken with spirits fresh from the world concerning the state of eternal life, telling them how important it was for them to know who is the Lord of that kingdom, and what is the nature and form of its government, just as those in this world who go into another kingdom are especially interested to know who and of what sort is th..
AC.547, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.547-553) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 547The souls who come into the other life are all ignorant of the nature of heaven and of heavenly joy. Very many suppose it to be a kind of joy into which any can be admitted no matter how they have lived, even those who have borne hatred against their neighbor and have passed their lives in adulteries, being quite unaware of the fact that heaven ..
AC.546, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 546In order that I might know how the case is with those who desire to be in heaven and are not such that they can be there, once when I was in some heavenly society, an angel appeared to me as an infant with a chaplet of bright blue flowers about its head, and girded about the breast with wreaths of other colors. By this I was given to know that I..