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AC.585, 창6:5, '여호와께서 사람의 죄악이' (AC.584-586) 5절, 여호와께서 사람의 죄악이 세상에 가득함과 그의 마음으로 생각하는 모든 계획이 항상 악할 뿐임을 보시고 And Jehovah saw that the evil of man was multiplied on the earth, and that all the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil every day. 585That by the evil of man being multiplied in the earth is signified that there began to be no will of good is evident from what was said above, namely, that there was no longer any will,..
AC.584, 창6:5, '여호와께서 사람의 죄악이' (AC.584-586) 5절, 여호와께서 사람의 죄악이 세상에 가득함과 그의 마음으로 생각하는 모든 계획이 항상 악할 뿐임을 보시고 And Jehovah saw that the evil of man was multiplied on the earth, and that all the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil every day. 584“Jehovah saw that the evil of man was multiplied on the earth” signifies that there began to be no will of good; “all the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil every da..
AC.583, 창6:4, '당시에 땅에는 네피림이 있었고' (AC.580-583) 4절, 당시에 땅에는 네피림이 있었고 그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들에게로 들어와 자식을 낳았으니 그들은 용사라 고대에 명성이 있는 사람들이었더라 There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and most especially after the sons of God went in unto the daughters of man, and they bare to them; the same became mighty men, who were of old, men of renown. 583That the Nephilim are called “mighty men” from the love of self, is evident from various passages of..
AC.582, 창6:4, '당시에 땅에는 네피림이 있었고' (AC.580-583) 4절, 당시에 땅에는 네피림이 있었고 그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들에게로 들어와 자식을 낳았으니 그들은 용사라 고대에 명성이 있는 사람들이었더라 There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and most especially after the sons of God went in unto the daughters of man, and they bare to them; the same became mighty men, who were of old, men of renown. 582그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들에게로 들어와 자식을 낳았으니 After that the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,..
AC.581, 창6:4, '당시에 땅에는 네피림이 있었고' (AC.580-583) 4절, 당시에 땅에는 네피림이 있었고 그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들에게로 들어와 자식을 낳았으니 그들은 용사라 고대에 명성이 있는 사람들이었더라 There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and most especially after the sons of God went in unto the daughters of man, and they bare to them; the same became mighty men, who were of old, men of renown. 581That by the “Nephilim” are signified those who through a persuasion of their own loftiness and preem..
AC.580, 창6:4, '당시에 땅에는 네피림이 있었고' (AC.580-583) 4절, 당시에 땅에는 네피림이 있었고 그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들에게로 들어와 자식을 낳았으니 그들은 용사라 고대에 명성이 있는 사람들이었더라 There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and most especially after the sons of God went in unto the daughters of man, and they bare to them; the same became mighty men, who were of old, men of renown. 580By “Nephilim” are signified those who through a persuasion of their own loftiness and preeminence ma..
AC.579, 창6:3, '여호와께서 이르시되 나의 영이' (AC.572-579) 3절, 여호와께서 이르시되 나의 영이 영원히 사람과 함께 하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육신이 됨이라 그러나 그들의 날은 백이십 년이 되리라 하시니라 And Jehovah said, My spirit shall not reprove man forever, for that he is flesh; and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. 579That with the antediluvians here treated of there were few and almost no remains, will be manifest from what, of the Lord’s Divine mercy, will be said of them hereafter; and as no r..
AC.578, 창6:3, '여호와께서 이르시되 나의 영이' (AC.572-579) 3절, 여호와께서 이르시되 나의 영이 영원히 사람과 함께 하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육신이 됨이라 그러나 그들의 날은 백이십 년이 되리라 하시니라 And Jehovah said, My spirit shall not reprove man forever, for that he is flesh; and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. 578From these numbers alone it is evident what the Word of the Lord contains in its bosom and interior recesses, and how many arcana are concealed therein which do not at all appear to..
AC.577, 창6:3, '여호와께서 이르시되 나의 영이' (AC.572-579) 3절, 여호와께서 이르시되 나의 영이 영원히 사람과 함께 하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육신이 됨이라 그러나 그들의 날은 백이십 년이 되리라 하시니라 And Jehovah said, My spirit shall not reprove man forever, for that he is flesh; and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. 577That the number “twelve” signifies faith, or the things of love and the derivative faith in one complex, might also be confirmed by many passages from the Word, as from the “twelve”..
AC.576, 창6:3, '여호와께서 이르시되 나의 영이' (AC.572-579) 3절, 여호와께서 이르시되 나의 영이 영원히 사람과 함께 하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육신이 됨이라 그러나 그들의 날은 백이십 년이 되리라 하시니라 And Jehovah said, My spirit shall not reprove man forever, for that he is flesh; and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. 576That the number “ten,” and also “tenths,” signify remains, is evident from the following passages of the Word: 9만군의 여호와께서 내 귀에 말씀하시되 정녕히 허다한 가옥이 황폐하리니 크고 아름다울지라도 거주할 자가 없을 것이며 10열흘 ..