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AC.600, 창6:9-10 속뜻 (AC.599-609) 9이것이 노아의 족보니라 노아는 의인이요 당대에 완전한 자라 그는 하나님과 동행하였으며 These are the births of Noah; Noah was a man righteous and perfect in his generations: Noah walked with God. 10세 아들을 낳았으니 셈과 함과 야벳이라 And Noah begat three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 600The man of that church is described, that he was such that he could be regenerated (verse 9); but that there arose thence three kinds of doctrine, which are “Shem..
AC.599, 창6:9-22 본문, 한 줄 속뜻 (AC.599-609) 창6:9-22 9이것이 노아의 족보니라 노아는 의인이요 당대에 완전한 자라 그는 하나님과 동행하였으며 These are the births of Noah; Noah was a man righteous and perfect in his generations: Noah walked with God. 10세 아들을 낳았으니 셈과 함과 야벳이라 And Noah begat three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 11그 때에 온 땅이 하나님 앞에 부패하여 포악함이 땅에 가득한지라 And the earth was corrupt before God; and the earth was filled with violence. 12하나님이 보신즉 땅이 부패하였으니 이는 땅에서 모든 혈육 있는 자의 행..
AC.598, 창6:8, '그러나 노아는 여호와께 은혜를 입었더라' (AC.596-598) 8절, 그러나 노아는 여호와께 은혜를 입었더라 And Noah found grace in the eyes of Jehovah. 598He found grace in the eyes of Jehovah signifies that the Lord foresaw that the human race might thus be saved. The Lord’s mercy involves and looks to the salvation of the whole human race; and it is the same with his “grace,” and therefore the salvation of the human race is signified. By “Noah” is signified not only a new ..