11절, 그 때에 온 땅이 하나님 앞에 부패하여 포악함이 땅에 가득한지라 And the earth was corrupt before God; and the earth was filled with violence.
The earth was filled with violence.
That this is said on account of their foul yearnings, and most of all on account of those which come of the love of self, or of inordinate arrogance, is evident from the Word. It is called “violence” when men do violence to holy things by profaning them, as did these antediluvians who immersed the doctrinal things of faith in all kinds of yearnings. As in Ezekiel:
22내가 또 내 얼굴을 그들에게서 돌이키리니 그들이 내 은밀한 처소를 더럽히고 포악한 자도 거기 들어와서 더럽히리라 23너는 쇠사슬을 만들라 이는 피 흘리는 죄가 그 땅에 가득하고 포악이 그 성읍에 찼음이라 (겔7:22-23) My faces will I turn from them, and they shall profane my secret [place], and robbers shall enter into it and profane it. Make the chain; for the land is full of the judgment of bloods, and the city is full of violence (Ezek. 7:22–23).
The “violent” are here described as to who they are, and that they are such as we have stated. Again:
이 땅 백성에게 말하되 주 여호와께서 예루살렘 주민과 이스라엘 땅에 대하여 이르시기를 그들이 근심하면서 그 음식을 먹으며 놀라면서 그 물을 마실 것은 이 땅 모든 주민의 포악으로 말미암아 땅에 가득한 것이 황폐하게 됨이라 (겔12:19) They shall eat their bread in solicitude, and drink their waters in desolation, that her land may be devastated from its fullness, because of the violence of all them that dwell therein (Ezek. 12:19).
The “bread which they shall eat in solicitude” is the celestial things, and the “waters which they shall drink in desolation” are the spiritual things, to which they have done violence, or which they have profaned.
[2] In Isaiah:
그 짠 것으로는 옷을 이룰 수 없을 것이요 그 행위로는 자기를 가릴 수 없을 것이며 그 행위는 죄악의 행위라 그 손에는 포악한 행동이 있으며 (사59:6) Their webs shall not be for garments; neither shall they be covered in their works; their works are works of iniquity, and the deed of violence is in their hands (Isa. 59:6).
Here “webs” and “garments” are predicated of things of the understanding, that is, of the thought; “iniquity” and “violence,” of things of the will, that is, of works. In Jonah:
사람이든지 짐승이든지 다 굵은 베 옷을 입을 것이요 힘써 하나님께 부르짖을 것이며 각기 악한 길과 손으로 행한 강포에서 떠날 것이라 (욘3:8) Let them turn everyone from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands (Jonah 3:8),
where the “evil way” is predicated of falsities, which are of the understanding; and “violence,” of evils, which are of the will. In Jeremiah:
너희 마음을 나약하게 말며 이 땅에서 들리는 소문으로 말미암아 두려워하지 말라 소문은 이 해에도 있겠고 저 해에도 있으리라 그 땅에는 강포함이 있어 다스리는 자가 다스리는 자를 서로 치리라 (렘51:46) A rumor shall come in one year, and violence in the land (Jer. 51:46).
“A rumor” denotes things which are of the understanding, “violence,” those which are of the will. In Isaiah:
그는 강포를 행하지 아니하였고 그의 입에 거짓이 없었으나 그의 무덤이 악인들과 함께 있었으며 그가 죽은 후에 부자와 함께 있었도다 (사53:9) He hath done no violence, neither was there any deceit in his mouth (Isa. 53:9).
Here also “violence” denotes the things of the will; “deceit in his mouth,” those of the understanding.
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