AC.502, 창5:9, '에노스는 구십 세에' (AC.500-503)
9절, 에노스는 구십 세에 게난을 낳았고 And Enosh lived ninety years, and begat Kenan. 502These three churches, “man,” “Seth,” and “Enosh,” constitute the most ancient church, but still with a difference of perfection as to perceptions: the perceptive faculty of the first church gradually diminished in the succeeding churches, and became more general, as observed concerning fruit or its seed, and concerning the ..
AC.501, 창5:9, '에노스는 구십 세에' (AC.500-503)
9절, 에노스는 구십 세에 게난을 낳았고 And Enosh lived ninety years, and begat Kenan. 501As regards the churches that in course of time succeeded one another, and of which it is said that one was born from another, the case with them was the same as it is with fruits, or with their seeds. In the midst of these, that is, in their inmosts, there are as it were fruits of the fruits, or seeds of the seeds, from whi..