전체 글 (625) 썸네일형 리스트형 AC.547, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.547-553) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 547The souls who come into the other life are all ignorant of the nature of heaven and of heavenly joy. Very many suppose it to be a kind of joy into which any can be admitted no matter how they have lived, even those who have borne hatred against their neighbor and have passed their lives in adulteries, being quite unaware of the fact that heaven .. AC.546, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 546In order that I might know how the case is with those who desire to be in heaven and are not such that they can be there, once when I was in some heavenly society, an angel appeared to me as an infant with a chaplet of bright blue flowers about its head, and girded about the breast with wreaths of other colors. By this I was given to know that I.. AC.545, '천국과 천국 기쁨에 관하여' (AC.537-546) Continuation Concerning Heaven And Heavenly Joy 545But in order that I might know the nature and quality of heaven and of heavenly joy, for long and often I have been permitted by the Lord to perceive the delights of heavenly joys, so that as I know them from actual experience I can indeed know them, but can by no means describe them. However, in order to give some idea of it I may say that heav.. 이전 1 ··· 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ··· 209 다음