전체 글 (625) 썸네일형 리스트형 AC.562, 창6:1-8 배경 (AC.554-563) 562The people before the flood were such that at last they had almost no remains, because they were of such a genius that they became imbued with direful and abominable persuasions concerning all things that occurred to them or came into their thought, so that they would not go back from them one whit, for they were possessed with the most enormous love of self, and supposed themselves to be as .. AC.561, 창6:1-8 배경 (AC.554-563) 561But what are remains? They are not only the goods and truths that a man has learned from the Lord’s Word from infancy, and has thus impressed on his memory, but they are also all the states thence derived, such as states of innocence from infancy; states of love toward parents, brothers, teachers, friends; states of charity toward the neighbor, and also of pity for the poor and needy; in a wo.. AC.560, 창6:1-8 배경 (AC.554-563) 560Before proceeding further we may mention how the case was with the church before the flood. Speaking generally, it was as with succeeding churches, as with the Jewish church before the Lord’s advent, and the Christian church after his advent, in that it had corrupted and adulterated the knowledges of true faith; but specifically, as regards the man of the church before the flood, he in course.. 이전 1 ··· 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ··· 209 다음