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AC.151, 창2:22, '여호와 하나님이 아담에게서 취하신 그 갈빗대로'(AC.151-155)

22절, 여호와 하나님이 아담에게서 취하신 그 갈빗대로 여자를 만드시고 그를 아담에게로 이끌어 오시니 And the rib which Jehovah God had taken from the man, he built into a woman, and brought her to the man.



By to “build” is signified to raise up what has fallen; by the “rib,” man’s own not vivified; by a “woman,” man’s own vivified by the Lord; by “he brought her to the man,” that what is his own was granted him. The posterity of this church did not wish, like their parents, to be a celestial man, but to be under their own self-guidance; and, thus inclining to their own, it was granted to them, but still an own vivified by the Lord, and therefore called a “woman,” and afterwards a “wife.”