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AC.615, 창6:9, '이것이 노아의 족보니라' (AC.610-615)

9절, 이것이 노아의 족보니라 노아는 의인이요 당대에 완전한 자라 그는 하나님과 동행하였으며 These are the births of Noah; Noah was a man righteous and perfect in his generations: Noah walked with God.



The quality of the man of this church is here described in general; not that he was such as yet—for his formation is treated of in what follows—but that such he might become: that is to say, that by knowledges of faith he could be endowed with charity, and so act from charity, and from the good of charity know what is true. For this reason the good of charity or “righteous” precedes, and the truth of charity or “perfect” follows. Charity, as before said, is love toward the neighbor and mercy; and it is a lower degree of the love of the most ancient church, which was love to the Lord. Thus love now descended and became more external, and is to be called charity.