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AC.586, 창6:5, '여호와께서 사람의 죄악이' (AC.584-586)

5절, 여호와께서 사람의 죄악이 세상에 가득함과 그의 마음으로 생각하는 모든 계획이 항상 악할 뿐임을 보시고 And Jehovah saw that the evil of man was multiplied on the earth, and that all the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil every day.



The imagination of the thoughts of the heart was only evil every day signifies that there was no perception of truth and good, for the reason, as before said and shown, that they immersed the doctrinal things of faith in their filthy yearnings, and when this occurred all perception was lost, and in place thereof a dreadful persuasion succeeded, that is, a most deep-rooted and deadly fantasy, which was the cause of their extinction and suffocation. This deadly persuasion is here signified by “the imagination of the thoughts of the heart”; but by “the imagination of the heart,” without the word “thoughts,” is signified the evil of the love of self, or of yearnings, as in the following chapter, where Jehovah said, after Noah had offered a burnt offering: “I will not again curse the ground for man’s sake, because the imagination of the heart of man is evil from his childhood” (Gen. 8:21).


여호와께서 그 향기를 받으시고 그 중심에 이르시되 내가 다시는 사람으로 말미암아 땅을 저주하지 아니하리니 이는 사람의 마음이 계획하는 바가 어려서부터 악함이라 내가 전에 행한 것 같이 모든 생물을 다시 멸하지 아니하리니 (창8:21)


An “imagination” is that which man invents for himself, and of which he persuades himself; as in Habakkuk:


새긴 우상은 그 새겨 만든 자에게 무엇이 유익하겠느냐 부어 만든 우상은 거짓 스승이라 만든 자가 이 말하지 못하는 우상을 의지하니 무엇이 유익하겠느냐 (합2:18) What profiteth a graven image, that the fashioner thereof hath graven it, the molten image and teacher of lies, that the fashioner trusteth to his imagination, to make dumb idols? (Hab. 2:18)


A “graven image” signifies false persuasions originating in principles conceived and hatched out by one’s self; the “fashioner” is one who is thus self-persuaded, of whom this “imagination” is predicated. In Isaiah:


너희의 패역함이 심하도다 토기장이를 어찌 진흙 같이 여기겠느냐 지음을 받은 물건이 어찌 자기를 지은 이에게 대하여 이르기를 그가 나를 짓지 아니하였다 하겠으며 빚음을 받은 물건이 자기를 빚은 이에게 대하여 이르기를 그가 총명이 없다 하겠느냐 (사29:16) O your perversity! Shall the potter be reputed as the clay, that the work should say to him that made it, He made me not; and the thing fashioned say to him that fashioned it, He had no understanding?; (Isa. 29:16)


the “thing fashioned” here signifies thought originating in man’s own, and the persuasion of what is false thence derived. A “thing fashioned” or “imagined,” in general, is what a man invents from the heart or will, and also what he invents from the thought or persuasion, as in David:


이는 그가 우리의 체질을 아시며 우리가 단지 먼지뿐임을 기억하심이로다 (시103:14) Jehovah knoweth our fashioning [figmentum], he remembereth that we are dust. (Ps. 103:14)


In Moses:


그들이 수많은 재앙과 환난을 당할 때에 그들의 자손이 부르기를 잊지 아니한 이 노래가 그들 앞에 증인처럼 되리라 나는 내가 맹세한 땅으로 그들을 인도하여 들이기 전 오늘 나는 그들이 생각하는 바를 아노라 (신31:21) I know his imagination that he doeth this day, before I bring him into the land. (Deut. 31:21)