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AC.478, 창5:2, '남자와 여자를 창조하셨고' (AC.475-480)

2절, 남자와 여자를 창조하셨고 그들이 창조되던 날에 하나님이 그들에게 복을 주시고 그들의 이름을 사람이라 일컬으셨더라 Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name man, in the day when they were created.



The reason why he is called “Adam” is that the Hebrew word “Adam” signifies “man”; but that he is never properly called “Adam” by name, but “man,” is very evident from this passage and also from former ones, in that [in some cases] he is not spoken of in the singular number, but in the plural, and also from the fact that the term is predicated of both the man and the woman, both together being called “man.” That it is predicated of both, everyone may see from the words, for it is said, “He called their name man, in the day that they were created”; and in like manner in the first chapter: “Let us make man in our image, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea.” (Gen. 1:26)


하나님이 이르시되 우리의 형상을 따라 우리의 모양대로 우리가 사람을 만들고 그들로 바다의 물고기와 하늘의 새와 가축과 온 땅과 땅에 기는 모든 것을 다스리게 하자 하시고 (창1:26)


Hence also it may appear that the subject treated of is not the creation of some one man who was the first of mankind, but the most ancient church.