AC.441, 창4:26, '셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을' (AC.438-442)

innermeaning 2024. 11. 12. 20:14

26절, 셋도 아들을 낳고 그의 이름을 에노스라 하였으며 그때에 사람들이 비로소 여호와의 이름을 불렀더라 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh: then began they to call upon the name of Jehovah.



That the invocation of the name of Jehovah did not commence at this time is sufficiently evident from what has already been said above in regard to the most ancient church, which more than any other adored and worshiped the Lord; and also from the fact that Abel brought an offering of the firstlings of the flock; so that in this passage by “calling upon the name of Jehovah” nothing else is signified than the worship of the new church, after the former church had been extinguished by those who are called “Cain” and “Lamech.”